Madison Reed | October 02, 2019
How We’re Disrupting the Hair Color Industry (Again)

Image by Madison Reed
We’ve got some big news. Like ALL CAPS—BIG NEWS. You might want to sit down for this…
Yep—you read that right. 600 new Color Bars. This number includes 500 franchised locations and 100 Madison Reed-owned locations. What does this mean to you? Well, if you don’t have a Color Bar near you probably will soon!
We are choosing to franchise our Color Bars because we want to expand quickly, to get our fast + fabulous Color Bars to as many of you who love Madison Reed as possible.
Here’s the thing: we know some women love to color their own hair at home. And that some women prefer to go to a salon. Hey—there are even women who go back and forth between the two, and want to offer you gorgeous hair color no matter where you want to color. As our Founder and CEO, Amy Errett says, “Our customers come first, and we want to support them regardless of whether they color at home or in a Color Bar. Our responsibility is to ensure that her experience is the same regardless if she is walking into an existing Color Bar, shopping online, coloring at home, or visiting a franchise location. She will get the same high-quality hair color and the same unique brand experience.”
We couldn’t have said it better ourselves. And we couldn’t be more excited. You can read more about our Color Bar expansion in this article in Forbes.
Let us know where you think we should open a Color Bar in the comments below. We cannot wait to see more of you in person!