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Amy Errett | May 08, 2020

A Mother's Day Like No Other

BLOG.05.04_ Mother's Day Letter from Amy

Image by Madison Reed

For most of us, this Mother’s Day marks almost two months under shelter in place. That might mean two months without seeing our own moms or mom-figures, or loved ones. This is a Mother’s Day unlike anything we have seen—while there are endless challenges we are all facing with the COVID-19 pandemic, this Mother’s Day, I’d like to focus on the unexpected beauty of how we are all coming together while staying apart.
My own mom and my aunt (who is like a second mom) live 3,000 miles away. I miss them and worry, but I am grateful for technology that allows me to not only talk with them, but see them, laugh with them, and dance with them. My daughter, Madison, is in high school. What a gift to be able to spend so much undivided time with her at an age when school and friends can pull kids away. The shelter in place is stressful, but I am also aware that I will never get this time back, and for that, I am forever thankful.
Of course, homeschooling isn’t always easy, and I am in awe of mothers everywhere teaching their kids not only math and writing, but resilience (and patience!). I honor the mothers on the frontlines—the doctors, nurses, the entire medical community, teachers, grocery workers, delivery people—countless heroes who choose everyday to do what they can. They are all a lesson in courage.
So while it is an uncertain time and celebrating might feel strange, this year, Mother’s Day takes on an even deeper meaning that deserves celebration...the connection of shared humanity, and an abundance of love. Sending you and your families great big internet hugs. We hope we can spread some joy by giving you amazing hair. Stay safe, stay strong.
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